My Philosophy

A teacher who loves learning earns the right and the ability to help others learn.

Laughter and Love are important in learning!

Laughther is timeless.  Imagination has no age.  And dreams are forever.
--Walt Disney

Everyone should and will be cared for and respected.

Physical and emotional needs of students must be met!

Classrooms and teachers need structure, but can be flexible for new learning to take place.  Students will know what is expected of them, both academically and socially. 

 Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  involve me and I learn.
--Benjamin Franklin

All children CAN learn!

Every child has a special personality and a gift to give.  It is my  goal to find their strengths and guide them to become self motivators.

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.

"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."
--Ignacio Estrada

Teachers and Parents Work Best As A Team
(Together Everyone Achieves More)

© Pamela Carda 2014